Tips for Working with Resin in Colder Weather
Colder weather brings its challenges to resin work. Here are some tips for getting your resin to cure better in the cold!
Tip #1: Heat Your Resin - all resins flow and mix better when they are a little warmed up. Warm your resin before mixing by placing the bottles in a heated room, in a hot water bath, or on top of a warm table.
Tip #2: Add More Catalyst (Polyester Resins Only) - Adding more catalyst to your polyester resin will help decrease the cure time in a cold environment (please note this generally will not work with epoxy or polyurethane resins).
Tip #3: Heat Your Space - All resins cure best in temps around 75 degrees F. To achieve this, you can place a space heater under the table where your resin piece is curing to help keep the resin warm (be safe about it though please!)